Norwegian Minister of Digitalisation, Nikolai Astrup, opened the AI Village at Pirsenteret

The Norwegian Minister of Digitalisation , Nikolai Astrup, opened the AI Village (Artificial Intelligence) on Tuesday (21.5) at Pirsenteret in Trondheim, Norway.

AIA Science, Idletechs, E. C. Dahls Eiendom and UT Prosjektet are the founders of AI VIllage.

By gathering a large AI environment in Trondheim, one believes that it can be better equipped to solve complex challenges for customers in the local community, in Norway and internationally. Astrup himself thinks that it is very wise that so many companies are cooperating closely.

After the opening, the minister had a long meeting with many of the AI companies, to closely discuss their input to the national strategy for artificial intelligence.

Pictures copyright Zeiner Media.